Saturday, September 20, 2008

Garage Sale Finds

The last picture is for Laura. :) These are my boots I found.
And Kinley loves his new little kitchen I got for $10! He likes to play while I do dishes or cook. Its a lot better then having him grabbing my legs trying to pull me away to play. :)


Smileyface said...

LOVE the boots!!! I have gotten all Gabe's boots in the past year at garage sales...he probably has every size he needs now for a couple years!!! He wears them constantly, even if it doesn't go with the outfit..a true cowboy ;)

okay, i can't believe you got yer boy a kitchen!!! might as well teach him young how to help out so he's good and trained for his wife someday, eh? ;)

The Timothy's said...

yeah you found him a kitchen go mommy